General information on the journal

Netla – Online Journal on Pedagogy and Education (Netla – Veftímarit um uppeldi og menntun) publishes academic articles in Icelandic and English, as well as reports on development projects, discursive and reflective articles, essays, interviews, publication announcements and critical abstracts relating to the disciplines of pedagogy and education. When appropriate, a special effort is made to make use of the diverse communication capabilities of the internet and, in this connection, authors have in several instances published materials combined with sound and motion picture clips. Specialised editions of the journal have generally been either confined to a particular theme or associated with educational science conferences and have published peer-reviewed materials and academic articles.

The journal is mostly published in Icelandic, although peer-reviewed articles are accompanied by abstracts in English and the journal encourages its contributors to publish articles in English with an international readership in mind. The publication of articles in other languages is open to consideration. All persons, whether in Iceland or abroad, may send contributions to the journal and all material relating to pedagogy and education will be considered by the editorial board, whether this is based on research and academic studies or insight and experience.

The editorial board comprises members of academic staff at the University of Iceland School of Education. The board has an advisory role to the editor of the journal. Netla’s specialised and conference editions have generally been administered by a special editorial board under the auspices of the University of Iceland Educational Research Institute in consultation and cooperation with Netla’s editorial board.

There are no fixed publishing dates for Netla – Online Journal on Pedagogy and Education, material is published as soon as it is ready. It is possible register on a mailing list and receive notifications of new material as required. Those who are interested in publishing in Netla can contact the editor. Please note that articles cannot be submitted in December. The editorial boards of Netla´s conference and special publications request contributions specifically. All articles from the journal’s establishment in 2002 as well as conference and special publications from 2009 can be accessed on the website of Netla – Online Journal on Pedagogy and Education.

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