Single-parent immigrant families in Iceland: Lives and educational experiences of their children

Fuhui Chen and Hanna Ragnarsdóttir
Single-parent immigrant families in Iceland: Lives and educational experiences of their children

The aim of this study is to explore what situations immigrant single-parent families face in Iceland, their process of integration into Icelandic society and the educational experiences of their children. The main significance of the study is to give a minority group a voice while also providing important information for Icelandic society and educational system. Findings of the study indicate that the families and their children initially experienced difficulties in society and schools, partly related to marginalization and discrimination. However, social support systems, such as support from social networks and financial support from the state, and school support systems, such as special school support, do have positive effects on the lives of these families. All the parents interviewed in this study are concerned about preserving their children’s mother tongue, but all of them put their first consideration on their children’s Icelandic language learning. Most children in this study experienced marginalization in Icelandic schools, particularly in the first few months of attending the schools.